Help Build Hope for our Community's Animals
Donate for a New Shelter Building!
$363,245 raised
$350,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
NAS has been providing lifesaving services to the people and animals of Neenah and its surrounding communities since 1962. However, the shelter building has become woefully inadequate, inefficient and outdated. We have reached the point where repairs are nothing but temporary fixes, diverting resources away from caring for the animals and helping the community. The most fiscally and organizationally responsible solution to ensure that NAS continues to be a vital resource for our community is to build a new facility. The animals and our community deserve it.
Join us: Be a part of this Vision and Help Us Build Hope!
Our Shelter: Past, Present, Future
Our Vision:
* A new energy efficient facility with state of the are ventilation system and space to keep animals healthier and eliminate our cramped quarters
* Additional space to host education programs for the community
* Low cost vaccination and TNR clinics
* Space for pets in crisis
To Donate:
Donate online, or if you prefer, you may mail a check to Neenah Animal Shelter, 951 County Rd G, Neenah 54956. To discuss other options, contact Cindy Flauger at executivedirector@neenahanimalshelter.org or 920-809-1831
Thank you for your support!